Extremely useful analysis of what is actually the case when it comes to supply and demand and what was said in the IPCC report on mitigation released on 4 April 2022.
It starts:
On April 4, 2022, the IPCC released the mitigation report for its current cycle and folks if the 2018 report was blunt, this one is absolutely screaming “do something!!!” Yet, coverage was as slim as those pre-2018 days.….[..]
But that’s why I’m here. I’m a climate reporter. It’s all I focus on, and pretty much all I think about, and I’ve been covering IPCC reports for 20 years so I’ve got a pretty good handle on them. And what I’m reading in this one is eye-opening in a lot of ways. So to all my reply guys who are like “well don’t you already know what’s in the report, things are still bad,” I say actually what’s in this report are the seeds for revolution, so let’s take it all in shall we?
This link may well change your mind about what’s happening.
And if you want to see her next analysis (it’s sort of completely compelling), you can do so here.